Thursday, January 8, 2009

Some neat things

While riding around Baton Rouge the last several months, I have had several incidents with drivers cutting me off, yelling indecent things at me, waving at me with one finger, telling me to get on the f*ing sidewalk (of which there are none most of the time,) and other rude, inconsiderate, and mean things. These have been vastly outnumbered by good rides where people just give me my space, respect my choice to ride, and leave me alone.

One incident has stuck with me, though. I was riding at night on a two lane road and was signaling that I would be turning left into the parking lot of my apartment complex. A guy behind me in a BMW apparently thought I was signaling him to go around me or something, and as I was about to turn into my destination, he went screaming by me. I had adequate lighting on my bicycle, and was most likely visible. However, I wonder what may have happened if I had a better set of lights on my bicycle. I recently stumbled upon a light set manufactured by called the Down Low Glow.

I think this product has a pretty creative and ingenius design. It has a rechargable NiMh battery and comes in six colors. You can choose one tube or two tubes of light. As you can see in the top photo, you could even outfit the red bar across a rack as a defacto tail light. I am seriously considering purchasing a set of the two bar lights so that when I ride at night I am easily seen. The system they developed to tie the lights to the bike (removable!) is similar to the removable fenders I have from Planet Bike that are amazing and very easy to use. I am highly debating purchasing a set of these...

1 comment:

  1. here's another lighting system i've been looking at as well.

    i like these because they look as thought they are easier to take on and off and the patterns on your wheels change in both color and design.

    pretty neat stuff all around though.


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